Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Drink Alone...And Draw

I bet you saw the title and you were like:

"Pencil Rogue, you crafty rascal, is that another Thorogood reference?"

I mean if you weren't thinking that I'm not going to blame you.  I mentioned I draw, right?  Because I do, and I did in my little "Meet the Panel" introduction.  I'm an aspiring comic artist in every sense of the word.  I eat, dream, and breathe the medium.  I'm practicing the craft every day trying to improve, hoping to get noticed in the near future (a lot of practice between/during class).  I'm handy with a pencil, decent with a pen, and am learning the frustrations of digital inking/coloring to get my own full comic going.  I'll be posting art here a bit.  Feel free to comment if you'd like, or if you'd like to see something in particular drawn - it's good practice for me anyway.  If you're an artist and have advice that'd be particularly fantastic (especially if you've got the digital thing down).

At the very least, you'll know I'm not full of crap.


  1. WOW! A Comic Book Reviewer AND Artist!!! What will you do next you "crafty rascal" you!

    1. Thanks for the reply! I'll make sure she keeps up with sharing her art. ;D -Sushi

    2. Thanks, bro! I'll keep posting some nice things for you to look at. Keep reading with us, and we appreciate your feedback. -PR

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