Monday, March 11, 2013

Emerald City Comic Con

The end of February and the beginning of March was a ridiculous whirlwind! But Emerald City was such a blast, it was worth it. It took me about a week to cover from the exhaustion and the jet lag (I currently live in Georgia, so it was a small trip). 

DC Panel
I ran around, met a ton of writer/artists that I admire, spent WAY too much money on goodies for me and my pals, and attended some panels. That's pretty much the life. 

Dark Horse Panel
Regretfully, I was too lost in the atmosphere to take very many photos. I failed miserably in that regard  which is a shame because I bought a camera for this event. You're probably wondering, "Who in the world has THAT problem at a Con?" Well, me. =/

Creepin' on Dan Didio

At any rate, another reason I'm writing this post is to announce a temporary hiatus from blog posts. It's crunch time at college, and graduation is looming.  I might be able to squeeze some in during and after spring break, but no promises. 

Besides, all my free time is going to be spent reading these free comics DC and Marvel are dishing out right now. 


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