Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some Quick House Keeping Stuff


Pencil Rogue and I hope to make this blog more consistent in the near future. Consider it goal numero uno.

That being said, I (Sushi), will be visiting Emerald City Comic Con in a few weeks, for Friday and Saturday only. (29th and the 30th I believe). Sunday, unfortunately, is not an option. Curse you college.

At an rate, I'll be activating my stalker powers. I'll post pictures here and via Twitter. For those of you interested, our twitter is here: Follow Us!

Feel free to email us ( at anytime. Or tweet us. I'm working on getting a Facebook page up at the end of the night.


Edit: The Facebook page is up. It's skin and bones, but it's there. The link should be somewhere to your right. Or here. More to come, sometime after exams. (Curse you college.)

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