Friday, January 18, 2013

Superboy #16


Before we jump into Issue #16 of Superboy, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Sushi, one of two creating these reviews. My goal will be to focus on the writing content, with an emphasis on character design and development. But you'll probably see me jump to cover other things that tickle me. 

Creative Team

Writer: Tom DeFalco
Thumbnails: Ron Frenz
Pencilers: Iban Coello & Amilcar Pinna
Inkers: Rob Lean & Amilcar Pinna
Colorists: Richard & Tanya Horie
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Editor: Chris Conroy
Cover: R.B. Silba with Rob Lean & Java Tartagila

Meat of the Story

Issue 16 of this title continues the “H’el on Earth” story Arc. Personally, I’m a fan of Superboy, but I have not been a fan of this story arc.

In this issue, the Justice League shows up to help with the “H’el” situation, since Superman can’t clean up his own mess.

Immediately, my eyes are drawn to the fact that Batman has a fur lined cape.

 That could make some sense, as they are trying to break into the Fortress of Solitude. However, I don’t see what good a fur cape will do anyone in the Antarctic.But if anyone needed a fur cape, it’s Wonder Woman, she didn’t even get a pair of pants.

 While we’re on the subject of Wonder Woman, the “neck-line” (if you can call it that) of her costume varied, depending on how much Wonder-boobs the artists wanted us to see. Compare the image above to the one below. 

Another inconsistency I'm going to harp on a bit involves Superman's hair style. 

I'm alright with the fact that they did not go with Superman's trademark hairstyle. But I wish the artists tackling this issue would of picked one style and used it, instead of changing it on us a page or so later. 

There are some really nice action sequences in this comic. The first Wonder Woman picture I showed you is an example. Here's two more:

These two panels allow us to get into the character's minds while they are exerting their powers to an extreme condition. In my opinion, you can't ask for much more. 

Even though this issue is part of "H'el on Earth", by the time I finished, I'm left feeling like not a lot happened in this issue. The Justice League helped Superman get back into his Fortress. Superboy continues to acknowledge that he's a weapon, and he takes a back seat the the Justice League. We get a glimpse of H'el with Supergirl and his plans. But this felt like a bridge to the next story. I suspect a bigger story lies in issue #16 of Supergirl.

I like the moment of H'el and Supergirl together. It paints her weakness better, we the reader understand a little more while she is with H'el. However, I really wish that this wasn't a moment of "girl running into the arms of the bad boy." It happens too often. 

I'm intrigued to see what the fate of Superboy is, after he suffered at the hands of H'el. I hope he'll be able to wear his own costume soon.  

At the end of this issue, we see the appearance of a new baddie and the mention of another:


I'll give this issue a 3/5, I'm looking forward to seeing some improvements in the Superboy Annual next week. 


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