Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday Morning Sadness

So, no Young Justice OR Green Lantern. What ever are we twenty something college students here at the Panel suppose to do with our lives now?

I think the better question to ask is: How can this happen?

Ever since the cancellation became evident, Cartoon Network has been receiving waves upon waves of intense social media hatred, and countless pleas for the return of YJ and GLTAS. But Cartoon Network has been silent, except to say "Check out our new DC Nation Block featuring Teen Titans Go! and Beware the Batman." No thank you, Cartoon Network. 

It seems Cartoon Network only wants to add insult to injury (as if Teen Titans Go! wasn't bad enough), they've been showing TV spots advertising new Young Justice and GLTAS. (Is that SALT in my gash, CN?!). The worst part of this situation is ignoring the thousands of viewers who have expressed their displeasure about the YJ and GLTAS cancellations. It would be so simple for CN to explain the situation. In fact, it only takes one finely crafted paragraph. I won't feel any better about not seeing YJ or GLTAS on Saturday, but at least I won't think CN is cold.

But let's be fair, YJ never had a shot anyway. Cartoon Network pulled it from the air erratically. Ripped it from it's prime time slot for no reason. GLTAS didn't fare any better (I'm honestly not sure if it even had a prime time slot). The main reason for all of this seems to trickle down to one thing: merchandise sales. Would you go out with someone who has stood you up more than once? Hopefully you wouldn't, and I don't plan on watching CN (it's not me, it's you) or buying any of the merchandise that comes out of the two new DC Nation Block shows.

So, what are the chances for a YJ and GLTAS return? Here, they're trying to revive the series. The article is worth a read, but voting for the two series is down, as the website hosting them has gone into beta.


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